This is the specialized endodontic treatment of an immature tooth to produce more favorable conditions for root canal therapy. With it, we remove the unhealthy pulp and place a mineral trioxide aggregate (called MTA) paste into the root. This helps form a calcified barrier near the root tip.
Apexification is used to seal the open bottom part of a tooth root. This condition occurs when the root canals are not closed properly. Open root canals can lead to tooth infection. The soft substance known as tooth pulp may be infected if an opening allows bacteria inside.
Open root canals are often found in teeth that are not fully developed. Root ends may also get eroded by a process called resorption. Trauma is another possible cause.
Apexification is necessary if an opening makes it too difficult to seal the root end with traditional root canal treatments. More simply, apexification is used to form a hard barrier at the end of an open root tip.